Implant retained dentures have revolutionised oral rehabilitation.
Patients no longer need to be burdened by the functional, aesthetic and physiological handicaps of not having teeth to chew their food. These fixed / removable dentures can restore your chewing efficiency back to the levels of natural teeth.
However, this treatment is one which has to be carefully thought out, planned and executed. After an 3D X-ray assessment of the residual jaw bone and your general and dental health, our dentists Dr Trilok Vallury can plan a suitable type of denture for you. Once this is done we place 6 implants in the jaw which act as a retention device for the future denture. Once the screws heal we then fabricate a denture which locks into the screws.
Many people are unhappy with lower dentures. Studies have shown that lower dentures with 2 implants are a minimum standard of care for a person without teeth. This means conventional lower dentures are now considered as substandard treatment.
These types of dentures can restore facial , dental aesthetics and chewing function thereby making it easier for your body to absorb nutrients from your food and to digest your food . As you would imagine the systemic benefits of the above go way beyond the oral cavity.
Our clinic is one of the only practices in South Australia which follows a full digital workflow for this treatment. We have partnered with Osteon to provide a world class prosthesis for your implants. To find out more about Osteon click the link below.